Rubular — Regular expressions editing & testing made easy

If you use to spend ages building and testing regular expressions, you might be interested in the online expression editor Rubular. Rubular is a handy way to test ruby-based regular expressions as you write them.


Since the regular expression flavor used in Ruby is “Perl Style”, you can use this tool to test regular expressions written for PHP (preg function), Python, Javascript etc. Enjoy!

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  • Samy

    Rubular is great ! But do you know if there is any way to host it on a local server ?

    • Philippe Creux

      I don’t think so. Someone asked for it on the Rubular google group and Michael Lovitt, the author of Rubular, did not answer. I take it for a ‘no’ then. :)

  • Dahna

    Cool! . . . I think. ;)

  • Hi, my name is Philippe Creux.

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